Fraud Blocker


Exotic idols with semitruck-inspired cover art.

Exotic Loads and Downtime Claims

Some of our highest dollar cases are for clients who haul “exotic loads” – windmills, tankers, car haulers, oversized loads, houses, and government explosives. Many of these loads require permits

Broken windshield, Accidents Happen; be prepared

Be Prepared; Accidents Happen!

Jack is a million mile safe driver. Recently, he was properly parked at a loading dock when a distracted trucker swung too wide and hit his truck. This accident wasn’t

Blueberry pie on table, Dividing up the Pie with Limits Issues

Dividing Up the Pie with Limits Issues

On a summer day in Dallas, Texas, you’re driving your big rig along Interstate 20. An 18-year-old girl, on the phone, hits you. Everyone’s okay and the girl’s given a

A speeding semi-truck on a road with the text "Qualifications" and "Guest Writer Ernie Langston" overlaid. The image is branded with the Law Offices of Eckert & Associates.

Motor Carriers: Qualification of Commercial Drivers

One of the many obligations required of motor carriers is to ensure drivers are qualified to operate the commercial motor vehicle they operate.  The purpose of commercial drivers’ qualification is

A man driving a truck, smiling, with the text "What makes a DOT truck drivable" and "By Guest Blogger Joe Lackey" overlaid in the image.

What Makes a Truck DOT Drivable?

Many people say the easiest part of being a professional driver is the actual driving of the truck.  Some may believe that holding the steering wheel as you survey the