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Owner Operator

straight truck

Success as an Owner-Operator in a Straight Truck

Are you thinking of becoming an owner-operator? If so, you’re in luck. We’ve been in the trucking business since 2012 and want to share our methods for success. This article

Mitigating the law's impact on the semitruck driver's downtime claims.

Mitigation: A Trucker’s Unknown Enemy

The trucking industry is full of battles and challenges. One such challenge is the potential for accidents, which can cause damage to both the truck and the driver. While accidents

Man in suit holding car keys and signing papers

Authority Revoked? What Can You Do?

You paid your insurance premiums on time. One day, out of the blue, you get a notice that your operating authority is being revoked. Why? Somehow, FMCSA doesn’t have record

Blueberry pie on table, Dividing up the Pie with Limits Issues

Dividing Up the Pie with Limits Issues

On a summer day in Dallas, Texas, you’re driving your big rig along Interstate 20. An 18-year-old girl, on the phone, hits you. Everyone’s okay and the girl’s given a

What is Freight Factoring? Learn How Factoring Can Change Your Business

What is Freight Factoring?

If you are in the trucking industry, you have probably heard of “freight factoring”. Freight factoring is such a useful tool for small and medium sized businesses. The benefits of